Just a quick video how to fix GTA IV lag on the PC, and how to make a commandline. Go to your GTAIV Root Directory (Where GTAIV.exe is Located) and Find the ' commandline.tx t' File. If you can't Find it, then Continue Reading. Otherwise, Skip to Step 2. Now Make a New Text File and Name it 'commandline' without the Quotes. Jan 17, 2009 Below is a list of various command line options that can be used with Grand Theft Auto IV (4) (external link) on the PC: Tools -benchmark Runs the benchmark tool and exits the game -help Displays a list of command line options Graphics -renderquality (0-4) -shadowdensity (0-16) -texturequality (0-2) -viewdistance (0-99) -detailquality (0-99) -novblank Disable Continue reading Grand Theft. دریافت لینک دانلود. لینک دانلود دانلود فایل. مسئولیت فایل آپلود شده بر عهدهی کاربر آپلودکننده میباشد، لطفا در صورتی که این فایل را ناقض قوانین میدانید به ما گزارش دهید.
Commandlines parameters is different “codes” that can be added to the “commandline.txt” file. This file is located in the root game folder. If it does not exist already, you will need to create one yourself. To do this, right click anywhere in the folder -> new -> text document. Rename the text document to “commandline”. There are different command lines, which will do various stuff. We have collected a list below.
You will need to copy the command line to the text document and save it.
Command Lines:
Use the specified screen adapter number (zero-based).
Set anisotropic filter quality level (between 0-16).
Starts the benchmark test from the command line.
Optionally output the individual frame times from the benchmark.

Specifies the number of iterations to run the benchmark for.
Disable audio processing for graphics benchmark purposes.
Specifies an individual benchmark scene test should be done, and which test that should be.
Set main window to be borderless.
Control city density (values between 0.0 – 1.0).
Do not count hyperthreaded cores as real ones to create tasks on.
Do not allow the window to be resized.
Force DirectX 10.0 feature set.

Force DirectX 10.1 feature set.
Force DirectX 11.0 feature set.
Enable lights volumetric effects in foggy weather.
Number of vertical synchronizations to limit game to.
Force fullscreen mode.
Set FXAA quality (0-3).
Jump straight to multplayer while loading.
Manual override GPU Count.

Set grass quality (0-5).
Set the whole rendering pipeline to 16-bit.
Enable HD streaming while in flight.
Set height of main render window (default is 480).
Do not reset settings with a new card.
Ignore the current profile settings.
Sets the keyboard layout to the specified region.
Set LOD Distance Level (0.0-1.0).
Game uses mouse exclusively.
Number of multisamples (1, 2, 4, 8, or 16).
Disable In-game DOF effects.
Don’t use quaternion transforms for placed entities.
Set particle quality (0-2).
Enable particle shadows.
Set Pedestrians LOD Distance Bias (0.0-1.0).
Set postFX quality (0-3).
Enable reflection map blur.
Set reflection quality (0-3).
Starts the game with settings at minimum but doesn’t save it.
Set shader quality (0-2).
Enable shadow rendering for dusk and dawn.
Set shadow quality (0-3).
Selects between linear, rpdb, box 4×4, soft 16.
Enable SSA.

Set SSAO quality (0-2).
If present the game will automatically launch into the multiplayer game in freemode.
Set tessellation on or off (0-3).
Set texture quality (0-2).
Enable NVidia TXAA.
Set language game uses.
Use automatic generated settings.
Reset settings to the minimum.
Set Vehicles LOD Distance Bias (0.0-1.0f).
Set water quality (0-1).
Set width of main render window (default is 640).
Force windowed mode.
If you know of any command lines or find any errors – then please leave a comment below!
If you have been trying to learn how to use the Commandline.txt
For GTAIV, just right click that file there and save the file to
your hard disk. Open the file and look at the content.
copy the file to your GTAIV main Directory and boot the game.
Gta Iv Commandline Txt Generator
You will be playing the game at very low settings. I myself enjoy it
The reason to use half memory instead of what everyone says about setting it twice memory
Is so that you are not maxing your resources. It makes more sense to me. You can edit as you wish.
but at least try it.
I just ctrl esc and use the mouse to drag the sides out and the corners out
enlarging the visual area. You can now actually play across two screens now.
-height 600
-width 800
-refreshrate 60
-viewdistance 1
-detailquality 1
-shadowdensity 1
-renderquality 1
-texturequality 1
-availablevidmem .5
Gta 4 Mods
Once you get your pc version up and running feel free to swing by at gtaclans.com
Gta Iv Commandline Txt Availablevidmem
Feel free to ask any questions.