AVI FILE CREATOR allows the user to create computer animation of the section under the applied loading while simultaneously showing a graph of the response. This feature allows the user to export the results for use in Power Point or on the Internet. Any of the loading types can be made to an avi file.
Download Setup Extractor for free. View and extract the contents of the installers. Setup Extractor allows you to view and extract the contents of the installers as in conventional archives. This can be useful if you are installing the program itself is not possible or unwanted.Supported types of installers: Inno setup, NSIS, Wise Installer, Install Shield. This utility removes the need to install applications when you only want to expand certain file with. 4.5 (12 votes ) 3.0.9 ( See all) Imbsen & Associates, Inc. Review Comments (1) Questions & Answers (2) Update program info.
SECTION DRAWING CAPABILITIES. The zoom in and zoom out feature no longer cuts fibers from the edges of the screen. Further, the user defined drawing boundary is shown when the user zooms out far enough.
OPTION TO VARY THE POST PEAK BILINEARIZATION OF THE IDEALIZED MOMENT CURVATURE RESPONSE. In the older versions of XTRACT and UCFyber, the bilinearization was a best fit with both the area under the moment curvature relation and the ultimate point in the moment curvature response history. Now, the user also has the option to choose the post peak slope of the bilinearization, whether it be zero (as per CalTrans recommendation) or a user defined post peak slope.
ABILITY TO GENERATE THE PLASTIC ROTATION CAPACITY BASED ON A CODE ASSUMED PLASTIC HINGE LENGTH. The user picks the plastic hinge length based on a particular code and type, enters the critical parameters, and the calculated result is printed in the analysis report.
EQUATION FIT TO THE AXIAL FORCE – MOMENT INTERACTION DIAGRAM . In this analysis, the user can fit a cubic polynomial to the data. The equation parameters are printed along with the graph of the equation plotted against the actual detailed calculation of the points. The equation can be then used on other structural analysis programs that accept such input.
Please send all inquires to Koung Thao at KThao@trcsolutions.com- ‘Remesher’ Allows Modification of Discretized Sections (NEW!)
- User Editable File Structure (NEW!)
- Ability to Import and Export Sections between Projects (NEW!)
- Save All Output, Including Graphs and Analysis Data (NEW!)
- Windows Graphical User Interface
- Non-Linear Section Analysis within Minutes
- Moment Curvature and Axial Force Moment Interactions Analysis
- Concrete, Steel, Pre-stressed and Composite Members
- Automatic Fiber Mesh Generation
- Ability to Define and Analyze Arbitrary Sections
- Predefined Steel and Concrete Material Models
- Templates for Common Structural Shapes
- Ready Report Generation
- Graphing & Data Comparison
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Designed for musicians who want to manage and convert their sampler libraries. Use it to browse your sampler CD-ROMs directly on your PC, navigate through the CD-ROM, and listen to any sound by clicking on it. CDxtract also displays detailed information about the samples (including the waveform) and the programs/patches. Its report generator can create a detailed and structured listing of the content of a sampler media. CDxtract allows you to...
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- Release Date:09/08/2011
- License:Shareware
- Category:File and Disk
- Developer:CDXTRACT.COM
- Downloads:413
- Price: $79.00
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System Requirements
CDXtract requires Windows.
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CDXtract v.4 5
Designed for musicians who want to manage and convert their sampler libraries. Use it to browse your sampler CD-ROMs directly on your PC, navigate through the CD-ROM, and listen to any sound by clicking on it.
- Category: File and Disk
- Developer: CDXTRACT.COM - Download - Price: $79.00
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