Cadillacs And Dinosaurs 20 Gun Game Download

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I have always had a soft spot for the Sega CD and the fact that Cadillacs and Dinosaurs only got one console game and it was on Sega CD is kind of cool and sad at the same time. I loved this show as a kid and what I loved, even more, was the Capcom arcade machine that was based on it. Unfortunately, this Sega CD game is not based on that game. This is a game that was made by Sega and it is nothing like the arcade game.

So Real It Is Like The Real Thing

The best thing about this game is the story that it tells. I say that because the story is made up of FMV from the show. We all know that when it comes to FMV, the Sega CD is not the best. However, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs I feel has some of the best FMV on the system. Especially when it comes to games that use an animated art style.

Are The Dinosaurs Extinct?

I really should not compare this to the Capcom game of the same name as it is kind of unfair. However, at least that game had some actual dinosaurs in it. I feel like Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park, “you do actually have dinosaurs, in your dinosaur video game, don’t you?” is what he would say. I say this because there is a severe lack of dinosaurs in this game, the biggest enemies are things like trees and rocks. There is the odd dinosaur here and there, but you really do not see much.

The visuals in the actual game are decent enough, they have a cell-shaded style to them and even with the rather modest color pallet of the Sega CD/Genesis the game is fairly easy on the eyes.

Getting Behind The Wheel

Ok, so once again Cadillacs and Dinosaurs is not based on the arcade game, but I was pretty shocked at the angle Sega took with this. What we have here can be best described as an on-rails shooter! You have a very small number of levels and each one has you either driving the car or a minecart! That is right for numerous levels you do not even drive the Cadillac!

You need to move the vehicle left and right to avoid obstacles and also move a crosshair to shoot stuff. It is very basic stuff, thankfully the levels take no time at all, but that means you can blow through this game in no time at all. Well, in theory, you can. I say that because this game is hard as hell thanks to the dodgy collision detection and the fact everything wants to hit you.


Why on Earth did Sega not go to Capcom and ask if they could have just ported the Cadillacs and Dinosaurs arcade game? That would have been awesome and in all honesty one of the best games on the system. I am more than confident the Sega CD could have handled it. Instead what we got is average at best. It is worth playing if you enjoyed the TV show as a kid, apart from that I do not see anything that is going to win you over here.

Final Score


  • The FMV quality is not that bad
  • The actual game looks fairly decent
  • The voice acting is good
  • The game is very easy to beat
  • The box art is cool


  • There are not enough dinosaurs
  • The whole game is very meh in every regard
Overall rating: 5.5
Mustapha is one of the best game we played in childhood. Very exciting action game forever. You can play this game on PC or Laptop. We played this game when we were going school. Lost huge money by play this game on gamezone. Now you don't need to spend your money player this popular game Cadillacs and Dinosaurs or Mustafa. Download full game here. Who didn't play before you are gonna love this awesome game. Three players can play together. Capcom Company published this game.

How to play this game and using controls on keyboard?
For player 1 controls are:

Cadillacs And Dinosaurs Game

Cadillacs and dinosaurs game online
Insert coin by press 5 from your keyboards top side and Join game by press 1.
Left Ctrl for hit and take anything you want. Left Alt use for jump and Go left-right-up-down using keyboards arrow.
For player 2 controls are:

Cadillacs And Dinosaurs 20 Gun Version Free Download For Pc

Insert coin by press 6 from your keyboards top side and Join game by press 2.
Press A for hit and take anything you want, S press for jump, D press to go left, G press to go right, R press to go up and F press to go down.
For player 3 controls are:
Insert coin by press 7 from your keyboards top side and Join game by press 3.

Cadillacs And Dinosaurs 20 Gun Game Download Full

Press Right Ctrl for hit and take anything you want, Right Shift press for jump, J press to go left, L press to go right, I press to go up and K press to go down.

11.04 MB in Zip File
Password: pcgamesworld

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