Delphi Serialize Object To Xml

Delphi XE / Delphi 2010
Hello! I noticed that Embarcadero® Delphi® 2010 Version is not on the list of products on Embarcadero page. Or is it still possible to buy it? Will RAD Studio XE compile programs written in Delphi 2010 without problems.? Thanks. Am 13.09.2010 09:04, schrieb Petra Nemec: > Will RAD Studio XE compile programs written in Delphi 2010 without problems.? As always you will probably have to recreate the projects as the import is still a bit -- special. Christian Hello! Does anybody know if it is still possible to get a Delphi2010 trial version (if yes where)? ...
Delphi 7 to Delphi XE
Have been using Delphi 7 for many moons ( have got later versions but never upgraded to ) My first problem is: Component Palette. in XE it is a small toolbar docked in top right in Delphi 7 it gives a large view of all the components. I am struggling to be able to cope/access my Delphi XE. Can I make the component pallette tool bar the same size as Delphi 7, or is there a fast way to view/choose all available components in XE, that I have not spotted yet? Kind Regards, Robert. Hi, What I know is that in Delphi 2010 and XE you can choose between t...
Delphi 2007 RTL in Delphi 7
I read somewhere that it is possible to use Delphi 2007's (or for that matter Delphi 2006's) RTL in Delphi 7 by just recompiling the source of RTL. Is this really possible? What are the benefits that we can derive using a higher version's RTL? TIA Yogi Yang Yogi Yang wrote: > I read somewhere that it is possible to use Delphi 2007's (or for > that matter Delphi 2006's) RTL in Delphi 7 by just recompiling the > source of RTL. If it actually compiles in Delphi 7, I guess it would be possible. OTOH, if one has Delphi 2007 already, I don't s...
Migrating to Delphi XE from Delphi 7.0
Below is my code in Delphi 7.0, this is how to call another units in webmodule... Hello All, I create a web application in Delphi 7.0, using the Web Server Application, CGI, IntraWeb 7.0.15. And I used TIWPageProducer to view like this url 'http://localhost/mcr/mcr.exe/main'. I built and run. I viewed in thru IIS and it is running... This is my code in Delphi 7.0 .... .... procedure TWebModule1.proMainGetForm(ASender: TIWPageProducer; AWebApplication: TIWApplication; var VForm: TIWPageForm); begin VForm := TfrmMain.Create(AWebApplication); end; procedure TWebModule1....
Migrate from Delphi 2007 for Win32 to Delphi XE
we use Delphi 2007 for Win32 to support legacy (32Bit) OWL-based pascal applications (yes i know it was a mistake not to switch to VCL 15 years ago). could our applications still be opened and compiled with Delphi XE? The existing projects are all plain Pascal-Code, coming back from the times of Turbo Pascal for Windows and later on Borland Pascal. Are there any improvements we could profit from (i.e IDE, Debugger)? Thanks Andrej > {quote:title=Andrej Dimic wrote:}{quote} > could our applications still be opened and compiled with Delphi XE? I'm not sure, but I guess ...
Error on Delphi 6 but not on Delphi Xe for Ftp
I am Experimenting with get a file from our webside server via Ftp. I have 2 Machines 1 a laptop runing XP Delphi 6 Indy An a machine runing Window 7 Delphi XE2 with Indy I am using the Same Code on Both. procedure TFrmMain.ProcessItemDalySpecial; var PathDest : String; FileName : String; begin with FrmTb2 do begin if ReadIniBoolean(IniCfg,'FTP','UseFtpDaly') then begin Ftp.Host := ReadIniStr(IniCfg,'FTP','HostDaly'); Ftp.Port := ReadIniInt(IniCfg,'FTP'...
Migrating to Delphi XE from Delphi 7.0
Below is my code in Delphi 7.0, this is how to call another units in webmodule... Hello All, I create a web application in Delphi 7.0, using the Web Server Application, CGI, IntraWeb 7.0.15. And I used TIWPageProducer to view like this url 'http://localhost/mcr/mcr.exe/main'. I built and run. I viewed in thru IIS and it is running... This is my code in Delphi 7.0 .... .... procedure TWebModule1.proMainGetForm(ASender: TIWPageProducer; AWebApplication: TIWApplication; var VForm: TIWPageForm); begin VForm := TfrmMain.Create(AWebApplication); end;...
Migrating from Delphi 6 to Delphi XE 3! [Edit]
All, I am a Delphi developer working in an windows form application developed using Delphi 6. Now, we are planning to upgrade the development tool. Can anyone provide me information related to major roadblocks that we can face while migrating from Delphi 6 to Delphi XE 3? Should we migrate to Delphi XE 3 or any other preferred version of Delphi based on the fact that our target users will be using Windows 7 or Windows 8? Do we have any tools or utilities to migrate the source code from Delphi 6 to higher version of Delphi? Also, any suggestions related to best practices are welcome....
Delphi and Delphi for .Net
It seems that Delphi for .Net is slower than Delphi Win32 native applicaiton. I would like to know is it true all .Net application is slower than Win32 native applicaiton or it is Delphi for .Net only. Your information is great appreciated, Inung On 2011-06-21 18:20:17 +0100, Inung Huang said: > It seems that Delphi for .Net is slower than Delphi Win32 native applicaiton. > I would like to know is it true all .Net application is slower than > Win32 native applicaiton or it is Delphi for .Net only. If you are only running the code in the application once then, yes, yo...
Migration from Delphi 2007 Rad to Delphi XE Where is Quickreports
Have installed and finally registered Delphi Xe, I am looking for Quickreports but am unable to find it anywhere, I asked the Distributer and was told its packaged in Delphi XE, Well I should have gone to specsavers......cos I cant see it any where ? > {quote:title=Colin Coleman wrote:}{quote} > Have installed and finally registered Delphi Xe, I am looking for Quickreports but am unable to find it anywhere, I asked the Distributer and was told its packaged in Delphi XE, Well I should have gone to specsavers......cos I cant see it any where ? Hello Colin, Delphi X...
Any difference between Delphi Prism 2011 and Delphi Prism XE?
Looking at the features in Delphi Prism XE, they look the same as the new items in the 2011 release back in may. I there anything new in the XE release? or did they simply change the product branding? Just wondering if I need to update it or now when i download the rest. Thanks, Hi Dan, > Looking at the features in Delphi Prism XE, they look the same as the new items in the 2011 release back in may. I there anything new in the XE release? or did they simply change the product branding? Just wondering if I need to update it or now when i download the rest. See http://w...
Delphi XE and RTL makefile
In Delphi 2009 and 2010 there is a makefile in the source/win32/rtl. This makefile makes it possible to rebuild the RTL, e.g. if you have to fix a bug somewhere. In Delphi XE we notice that this file is no longer present. Is there a good explaination to this? Anders Evensen wrote: > In Delphi 2009 and 2010 there is a makefile in the source/win32/rtl. > This makefile makes it possible to rebuild the RTL, e.g. if you have > to fix a bug somewhere. In Delphi XE we notice that this file is no > longer present. Is there a good explaination to this? I can only tell you what I ...
Delphi 5 (string[80]) vs Delphi XE
Hi guys i'm trying to convert a old application made with Delphi 5 to Delphi XE 5 The probleme i have right now is about String[80] and the Read / Write procedure i have a type like that Type TEnrMess = record Mess : String[80]; MessSuiv : Word; Hint : Word; end; And i read/write this type to a File of TEnrMess My probleme is that the string have changed from Delphi 5 to Delphi XE i join the link of a simple of the probleme that can be compiled on delphi 5 and any Delphi XE!wV1VyZzY!1ha5oOxTg7L1WJAOXutUygkj...
Delphi 7.0 code convert to delphi XE ...
Hello All, I create an application using Web Server Application then CGI stand alone... In WebModule I add ModuleController component and IWPageProcedure... Below is my code in Delphi 7.0, this is how to call another units in webmodule... .... .... procedure TWebModule1.proMainGetForm(ASender: TIWPageProducer; AWebApplication: TIWApplication; var VForm: TIWPageForm); begin VForm := TfrmMain.Create(AWebApplication); end; procedure TWebModule1.proLogInGetForm(ASender: TIWPageProducer; AWebApplication: TIWApplication; var VForm: TIWPageForm); begin VForm := TfrmLogIn.Create(AWebA...
Delphi Serialize Object To Xml

Delphi Serialize Object To Xml. XML Serialization with XML Web Services. XML serialization is the underlying transport mechanism used in the XML Web services architecture, performed by the Xml. Serializer class. Create a serialized representation of an array, a plain object, or a jQuery object suitable for use in a URL query string or Ajax. Serialize an object to XML using the JVCL library. fabiorubim/delphi-object-to-xml. Software Architecture & Engineering Projects for €30 - €250. Hierarchic XML serialization in Delphi XE7 I need a procedure to serialize a delphi complex object to/from a xml file. no custom control/components. using new XML vendor OmniXML. Interface b.


This article provides a method about how to serialize an object to Extensible Markup Language (XML) by using Visual C#.

Original product version: Visual Studio
Original KB number: 815813


The method described in this article is useful for persisting the state of an object. The method is also useful for cloning an object by de-serializing the XML back to a new object.

This article refers to the following Microsoft .NET Framework Class Library namespaces:

  • System.Xml
  • System.Xml.Serialization


This article assumes that you're familiar with the following topics:

  • Visual Studio
  • General familiarity with XML
  • General familiarity with Visual C#

XML serialization


Serialization is the process of taking the state of an object and persisting it in some fashion. The .NET Framework includes powerful objects that can serialize any object to XML. The System.Xml.Serialization namespace provides this capability.

Follow these steps to create a console application that creates an object, and then serializes its state to XML:

Delphi Serialize Object To Xml Free

  1. In Visual C#, create a new Console Application project.

  2. On the Project menu, select Add Class to add a new class to the project.

  3. In the Add New Item dialog box, change the name of the class to clsPerson.

  4. Select Add. A new class is created.

  5. Add the following code after the public class clsPerson statement.

  6. Switch to the code window for Program.cs in Visual Studio.

  7. In the void Main method, declare and create an instance of the clsPerson class:

  8. Set the properties of the clsPerson object:

  9. The Xml.Serialization namespace contains an XmlSerializer class that serializes an object to XML. When you create an instance of XmlSerializer, you pass the type of the class that you want to serialize into its constructor:

  10. The Serialize method is used to serialize an object to XML. Serialize is overloaded and can send output to a TextWriter, Stream, or XMLWriter object. In this example, you send the output to the console:

Delphi Serialize Object To Xml File

Complete code listing

Delphi serialize object to xml file

Delphi Serialize Object To Xml Online


To verify that your project works, press CTRL+F5 to run the project. A clsPerson object is created and populated with the values that you entered. This state is serialized to XML. The console window shows the following code:


Delphi Serialize Object To Xml

The Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer object performs only shallow serialization. If you also want to serialize the private variables of an object or child objects, you must use deep serialization.

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