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Fake Driver License Generator Online

High Programmer>Alan De Smet>Unique ID > US Driver's License Numbers

Florida, Illinois, Wisconsin, perhaps others

  1. US Driver's License Numbers Florida, Illinois, Wisconsin, perhaps others. By Alan De Smet. You might want to look at my disclaimer before using this information for anything important. You might want to see warning about fake ids before using this information to make a fake id.
  2. Fake Driver License Generator. Related: Fake Driver License Generator, Id Driver License Care, Visual Basic Driver License, File Cure License Generator, Fake College Transcript Generator. Abeona 2010.1 Abeona is a java license generator. It offers user friendly GUI tool for license building and java library for license validation on user side.
  3. Nov 25, 2017 Buy fake drivers license online maker with legaldoc-solution, exceptional printer quality and overall impression of quality and authenticity in our fake drivers license generator We include magnetic bars, 1 and 2d bar-codes, holographic and they scan the same as a real drivers license. Legaldoc-solution is well known and has grown over time.
  4. Best Free Fake Identity ID Random Name Generator by ElfQrin. Create a random identity for games or ego avatars of you for online use on social media with protection. Driver License: 95 - issued in Nevada (NV) on, expires: Car: Renault Clio.
  5. Fake Driver License Generator Related: Fake Driver License Generator, Id Driver License Care, Visual Basic Driver License, File Cure License Generator, Fake College Transcript Generator Abeona 2010.1 Abeona is a java license generator.

You might want to look at my disclaimer before using this information for anything important. You might want to see warning about fake ids before using this information to make a fake id.

This particular page focuses on the algorithm shared by Florida, Illinois, and Wisconsin. For information onother states driver's license numbers see this page.

I've written programs so you can can calculate your license number basedon your personal information, or you can determine your personalinformation from your driver's license number:
StateInfo to NumberNumber to Info
FloridaCalculate FloridaAnalyze Florida
IllinoisCalculate IllinoisAnalyze Illinois
WisconsinCalculate WisconsinAnalyze Wisconsin

Here is a Java applet for encoding these states.

A number of states encode your name, gender, and date of birth in yourlicense number. These include Florida, Wisconsin, and Illinois. Thesestates use the same system of encoding, or very similar ones. Givensomeone's driver's license number from one of these states, you can takegood guesses at someone's name and exactly determine their gender and dateof birth. With someone's name, date of birth, and gender, you can guesssome or all of their driver's license number. (I expect this same systemapplies to State IDs, but I don't know.)

I'm not really sure why these numbers are designed so. A likely guessis that it allows a skilled bouncer to quickly identify sloppy fake ids.

When you remove the hyphens, these license numbers look like thefollowing:

The specific licenenses look like the following.

Fake Driver License Generator Uk

I'm told Florida uses a different system for state identifications. I don't know anything else about it.

Illinois State ID's simply move the initial letter to the end, but areotherwise calculated the same.

The segments are:

SSSSF255Soundex code
FFF921First name, middle initial
YY50Year of birth
DDD094Day and month of birth
NN03Overflow (not all states use this)

SSSS - Soundex code of your last name

Soundex is a hashing system for english words.You might want to look at further information onhow soundex works.

The example soundex is F255, so the example name starts withF, so the name starts with an F, followed by a gutteral orsibilant, followed by a nasal, followed by another nasal. Thisis correct, as the example person's last name is 'Fakename'

For my license generator, I simply implement this. For mylicense reverser, I simply take likely guesses. I also generatedthe Soundex code for the top 10,000 (ish) last names in the US,and I suggest the top 10 for any given code.

FFF - Encoded first name and middle initial

Look up your first name on this table:

Name CodeName CodeName Code
Albert 20Frank 260Marvin 580
Alice 20George 300Mary 580
Ann 40Grace 300Melvin 600
Anna 40Harold 340Mildred 600
Anne 40Harriet 340Patricia 680
Annie 40Harry 360Paul 680
Arthur 40Hazel 360Richard 740
Bernard 80Helen 380Robert 760
Bette 80Henry 380Ruby 740
Bettie 80James 440Ruth 760
Betty 80Jane 440Thelma 820
Carl 120Jayne 440Thomas 820
Catherine120Jean 460Walter 900
Charles 140Joan 480Wanda 900
Dorthy 180John 460William 920
Edward 220Joseph 480Wilma 920
Elizabeth220Margaret 560
Florence 260Martin 560

If you fail to find your name, look up your first initial on this table:

A 0 H 320 O 640 V 860
B 60 I 400 P 660 W 880
C 100 J 420 Q 700 X 940
D 160 K 500 R 720 Y 960
E 200 L 520 S 780 Z 980
F 240 M 540 T 800
G 280 N 620 U 840

Now look up your middle initial on this table:

A 1 H 8 O 14 V 18
B 2 I 9 P 15 W 19
C 3 J 10 Q 15 X 19
D 4 K 11 R 16 Y 19
E 5 L 12 S 17 Z 19
F 6 M 13 T 18
G 7 N 14 U 18

Now, if add together the code for either your first name (ifpossible) or your first initial to the code for your middleinital.

So, the example FFF code is 921. Looking it up, it's William or WilmaA.If it had been 001, we would simply know at the their initialsare A. A. Since the example was generated for 'William AndrewFakename' this is correct.

Y-Y - Your birth year

The two numbers together represent the year of your birth. If you areborn in 1968, it should read '68'. This is the easiest information to pickout of a WDL, and is often used to spot fakes.

The example Y-Y code is 50. Mr. or Ms Fakename was born in 1950.

DDD - Month and day of birth and gender

This portion encodes the month and day you were born on. The generalequation is:

General: (birth_month - 1) * month_multiplier + birth_day + gender_mod

Florida: (birth_month - 1) * 40 + birth_day + (male:0, female: 500)


Illinois: (birth_month - 1) * 31 + birth_day + (male:0, female: 600)

Wisconsin: (birth_month - 1) * 40 + birth_day + (male:0, female: 500)

Novelty Id Cards Driver's License

birth_month is the number of months into the year, January is 1,December is 12.

month_multiplier varies by state. Illinois uses 31. Wisconsin andFlorida both use 40.

gender_mod varies by state. In Illinois men use 0, women use 600. InWisconsin and Florida men use 0, women use 500.

If the result is less than 100, add zeroes to the left side to make it 3digits. (So, January 1st is encoded as '001' for men in Illinois.)

Mr. or Ms Fakename's code is 094. Assuming we're looking at an Illinoislicense number, because that's less than 600, we know Mr. Fakename is male.His name is probably William and not Wilma. We can subtract 93 from that,which is 31 three times. So three months into the year, April. Thatleaves 1 left, which is the day. Mr. Fakename was born on April 1, 1950.


Looking at this, may become clear that it is possible for two peoplewith similar names to get the exact same driver's license number. Forexample, if 'Joshua William Smith' and 'Jack Wayne Snoddy' were born on thesame day, they'll get the same Illinois drive's license number. This issolved with 'overflow' numbers, a simple sequential number can be appendedto each duplicate number to resolve the confusion.

Wisconsin prints a two digit overflow number on your license.As a result, the last two digits of your Wisconsin license numberrepresent the number of people who had the same license number asyou (ignoring the last two digits), when you got your license.

Illinois may have overflow digits, but if they do theinformation is not on your driver's license. This means that ifJoshua William Smith is wanted by police and his driver's licensenumber is flagged as such, Jack Wayne Snoddy may be brieflydetained while the police check their records to sort out theshared number. I have been told that Illinois state databasesactually include a two or three digit number to distinguishbetween different people with the same license. Onecorrespondent told me that their friend was pulled over for aminor traffic violation and was arrested as someone else. He satin the police car for a while while they sorted it out. He andthe other person had the exact same number; the other guy was awanted man, but my correspondent's friend did not.

Florida prints a single digit overflow number on your license.As a result, the last digit of your Florida license numberrepresent the number of people who had the same license number asyou (ignoring the last two digits), when you got your license.

Urban Legends about Florida's Last Digit

There are number of urban legends about Florida driver'slicense overflow numbers. The legends claim that the numberrepresents the number of times you've been arrested for drunkdriving (DUI, DWI, etc), the number of times you've convicted fordrunk driving, the number of times you've been convicted of a felony, that it encodes driving restrictions (0means no restrictions, 1 means corrective eyewear is required),or that it encodes gender.

I don't believe it.

First, why bother? Who needs to know this information? Not acop arresting you; they'll arrest a drunk driver no matter what.Prior convictions only matter when you're in front of a judge,and the judge has access to the database. Unless Florida doessomething particularly weird, driving restrictions are (in moststates) clearly printed elsewhere, and the cop is going to runyour license anyway and will learn any restrictions that way.

Second, as noted above: if you don'thave overflow digits, you'll occasionally two people with theexact same driver's license number. Can you imagine what a messthat would be? Indeed, it's a mess in Illinois, see above.

Third, Wisconsin uses the exactsame system, and as a native of Wisconsin I am absolutely certainit is correct. (Oddly, there are no urban legends about this inWisconsin. It appears to be a strictly Florida thing.)

Finally, I've had people claim with absolute certainty all ofthe above. They can't all be true.My hypothesis matchesWisconsin's behavior and solves an important problem, so I'msticking with it until I see better evidence for anotherhypothesis.

Now, it's entirely possiblethat I'm wrong. If you're sure that I am, and can point me to areliable source to support an alternate theory, please let me know!Much of the information on this page comes from people whocontacted me with corrections.

Contact webmaster- Copyright © 2002,2013

Sometimes, you require a driver’s license urgently, and making a fake driver’s license seems to be the only option. There are ways on how to make a fake driver’s license that could serve such situations. It could be for pranks, tricks, showoffs with friends, or just to deceive a few cops. In this article, you’ll find out how to get a fake driver’s license that works just like the original. That is, this license will match whatsoever circumstance requires it.

There are two ways drivers create a fake license that works.

Also, once you can scale through, quickly apply for an original driver’s license.

Note: We do not recommend going about with a fake driver’s license.

Ready to make yourself one fake driver’s license to prank friends? Let’s see how!

How to Make a Fake Drivers License for Your Car


There are several working ways on how to make a fake drivers license. However, we will use 3 of such methods. They include the following:

  • Scanning an Available Driver’s License
  • Fake drivers license maker app
  • How to make a fake drivers license online for free
  • How to make a fake drivers license at home

We will also discover the basic/professional steps for making a fake driving license as you read on.

Quickly, let’s tackle all the three subjects so that you can get that driver’s license ready in a few minutes.

1. Scanning an Available Driver’s License

Here, you need an already existing drivers license to make a fake license for a prank. You can use a personal driving license from the DMV or that of a family/friend.

Steps to Scan and Obtain a Fake Driver’s License

Scan Another Driver’s License

The first step regarding the making of a fake driving license is to scan another driver’s license. Simply get your original driver’s license and scan using your computer. If you have a digital camera or a smartphone with an excellent camera, you can snap instead of scanning.

However, you will have to crop and edit the picture to obtain a perfect but fake card/template for a driver’s license.

It is advisable to save the document in a picture format such as PNG, JPG, etc. If you have Photoshop software, you can save as PSD. But other software may be unable to read the PSD format.

Open the Scanned Fake ID

You can open the scanned fake ID using a smartphone or computer software. Computer software is recommended because of the limitless features. If you can only access a mobile phone at the moment, then use PicsArt.

With PicsArt, you can perform almost any task with regards to how to make a fake driving license.

Regarding how to make a fake drivers license Photoshop, once you get a photo editing app such as GIMP, Paint.Net, Photoshop, etc. you are good to go. Now, open the scanned fake driving license with the app/software.

Insert Your Passport-Sized Photograph

In the scanned image, there is a passport photograph, right? Now, you have to insert your new passport. If you just copy and paste a new passport on the fake ID, it will not be beautiful

So, open the Clone Stamp tool on your photo editing software. For smartphone users using PicsArt, the tool is labeled Clone. Now, copy the area surrounding the old passport and paste on the passport to completely cover it, then paste the new passport photograph.

Or, you can simply use the Rectangular tool to draw a boundary that surrounds the existing old passport photograph. Go to the coloring toolbar and select a color that matches the background surrounding the old passport on the scanned ID. Finally, use the Paint tool to copy the color inside the rectangular area you marked.

Now, upload a new passport photograph to space and passport and save.

Modify the Text Fields

In this step, regarding how to create a fake driving ID, you need the Clone Stamp or Clone tool. Now, use the clone tool to copy the color or the areas surrounding the old texts and paste.

When you are done cleaning the old texts with the clone stamp tool, you have to enter new information in the fields.

Launch the Text tool and make sure to select a font that matches the fonts on the original ID you are imitating. Traditionally, driver license arrives with the courier, serif, and slab serif fonts. However, the font may be different on the driving license issued by your state.

Refine the Fake License Doc

Now you have to refine the fake driver license and make sure that every data you enter is similar to that on the original license.

For example, if the format for a name begins with the surname, make sure to begin with the surname. If you do not pay attention to these details, your prank might fail.

Print the Fake Driver License

If you have a plastic card printer, you may print, otherwise, visit a computer service store near you.

Alternatively, print out the fake driver license ID as papers and cut out the front and back sides finely. Now, use paper glue to merge the printout. If you want to improve the texture, add holograms to both sides of the driving license.

Finally, laminate the fake driver license for full effect. The laminate should be about ¼ inch (0.6 cm) from the paper edges.

2. Using Fake Drivers License Maker App

This section discloses how to make a fake driving license using a mobile application or software. These apps offer supports for Android, iOS mobiles, as well as Windows and Mac. If done well, your friend or an official would almost not figure out the fakeness.

The mobile apps to use for making a fake drivers license for prank include:

Fake Driving License Maker

Pearl White are the developers of this fake drivers license maker app. It is just 5.0MB, which is small enough to download within 30 seconds.

The only downside with this fake license mobile app is that its license design is restricted to India. For the Indians visiting this page, here is a great pick for you.

Fake ID Maker Pro

Christ-App is the developers of this premium fake drivers license maker app. It gives you the room to explore several in-app templates to design a perfect drivers license that suits your needs. The downside is that it is restricted to devices with the Android operating system.


‘License’ is an Apple app developed by DriversEd. This fake drivers license works only on the iOS platform and contains a countless number of templates for creating a fake driving license. However, the app is no longer on Apple Store due to what Apple terms ‘breach’.

Fake Driver License Generator

Filip Voss Akerstrom is the maker of this app and it is not available on Google Play Store and Apple Store. It is a great app concerning how to make a fake drivers license for prank with friends and loved ones.

3. Making a Fake Drivers License Online

How To Get A Fake Drivers License

The focus is on how to make a fake driving license online. You will also see how to attach a fake identification number that makes it difficult for scanning devices to detect.

#Requirements concerning how to make a fake drivers license online.

  • A strong internet connection
  • Mobile phone or PC
  • Plastic card printer

Making a fake drivers license online involves making payments or using available free templates from the website. Moreover, most sites are free.

Websites for Making Fake Drivers License

Note: This section lists both websites with free templates and sites that take payments to design a proper drivers license.


PICturando allows you to design even beyond fake driving licenses. You can as well use this website to generate several other documents for fun.

Fake Drivers License Generator Canada Free

To create a fake driving license using PICturando, open the website, and scroll down to ‘Fake Documents.’ The first option on the new page is ‘Driver License.’ Click on it and select the template for your country.


This platform provides thousands of templates that can be customized to any document type. This platform can also be accessed using the Canva app downloadable on Google Play Store and several other stores.

Canva offers free templates; however, some image templates cost as low as 1 dollar to get for a design. You can as well register as a premium user if it interests you to do so.

21 Overnight

To those in the UK and the USA, 21 overnight provides you with free rooms to make a fake driving license. It is a good source to get a driver’s license ready for fun.

Fake id maker

Fake ID

Consider using FakeID as one of the methods on how to make a fake driving license online. This website is a premium site, which means that the fake licenses will be paid for. The standard plan of fake license costs 20 Pounds while the premium plan costs 25 Pounds.

So, with just 20 pounds, you would have a fake drivers license to prank with.

4. Making a Fake Drivers License at Home

You do not have to go online or make online transactions to get a fake drivers license. There are several computer centers around that offer services beyond just internet browsing. In short, computer services plazas anywhere around you offer fake drivers license services.

All you have to do is to contact the specialist, provide your details, and make payments.

When the design specialist is done with making the fake license, you would be informed to examine the preview.

You can then proceed to prank people with it. If you are a teenager, this should be a good source of prank to make friends laugh.

Steps to Make a Fake Driving License at Home

Get Teslin Paper and Butterfly laminate Pouches

Since the government produces driver license with proprietary cardstock, it is difficult to get the exact texture. So, you need Teslin paper to realize a fine texture. P.S. Make sure to use a printer that allows manual settings or the Teslin printing will come out rough.

You also require a pouch laminator to match the thickness of the government-issued driving license. Also, make sure to get a laminate pouch with a holographic exterior.

Download a Driving License Template Online

We mentioned several sites/apps to get a driving license template. Download a template that suits your state and save in picture format.

Make a Passport Photograph

You can use your smartphone to take a photograph of yourself. Alternatively, you can scan an existing passport photograph and save it as PNG or JPG.

Edit the Template and Passport Photograph

Now, launch a photo editing tool like Photoshop, GIMP, Paint.Net, or Firework. Smartphone users should use PicsArt.

First, open the fake license template using the photo editor. Now, use the clone stamp tool to erase the texts on the template.

After that, insert the passport photograph on the template and use the pick tool to drag it to the position. Use the lighting effects to adjust the passport photograph to correspond with the template.

Add Your Signature

If you are using a smartphone, adding your signature will be tough. With a tool like Photoshop, you can add your signature using the Paint tool. Or, you can add e-signature using PDFFiller site or SignNow.

Print the Fake Driving License

Edit the printer settings and print the image. You may use a computer service store for printing by experts.

After printing on the Teslin paper, fold into the pouch and laminate. Use a tool to trim the edges of the card to be similar to an original driver license card.

Why You Should Contact Specialists at Computer Services Plazas

  • You would be dealing with professionals.
  • They have plastic card printers that you may not own for the printing.
  • The job is done immediately and within minutes.
  • The cost is low.

Making Fake Driving License Alone

If you do not want anyone to make a fake driving license for you, here is how to make one for yourself.

  • Scan the front and back side of any driver’s license with you.
  • Transfer the scanned file to any editing software like Photoshop.
  • Use the clone to erase the passport on the driving license.
  • Also, use the clone tool to erase the name and date of birth on the scanned ID.
  • Print out the fake driving license.
  • Take it to any ID printing shop for printing.

If you have a plastic card printer, go ahead and do the printing.

Why You Need a Fake Drivers License

Here are the reasons why you need to get a fake drivers license for yourself.

  • The cost is low, especially when handled by specialists offline.
  • Police officers find it funny when used on a prank basis.
  • It serves as a good source of prank.
  • It is time-efficient and can be generated within minutes.

Important – How to Scrap a Car for Most Money without Title!

Where Not to Use a Fake Drivers License

Do not design a fake drivers license for yourself if:

  • You need it for formal registration.
  • The government requires your drivers license.

Also, after you buy a car while in college as a student, avoid using a fake driver license or risk a hefty fine from the government.

Is It Illegal To Have a Fake Drivers License?

It is not illegal to have a fake drivers license, but it is unlawful to drive around with a fake driving license formally.

If the police request for your driving license, they expect an original and you should issue them with the original. If you are going to issue the police a fake driving license, make sure it is a prank. Also, your original should be by your side to avoid their wrath.

In rare cases, crooks that legalize stolen cars use fake driving licenses to avoid the heat.



Do Fake Drivers License Work?

Yes, fake drivers license work, but only for pranks and unauthorized uses. If the police pull you over and figure out you have a fake driving license, you risk having your can impounded, though you can recover it for free.

How Much Does a Fake Drivers License Cost?

The cost of making a fake drivers license ranges between $10 and $25 depending on the materials. If you make a DIY fake driver license, consider the cost of paper glue, hologram (optional), and the card printing.

How Can I Get a Fake Drivers License?

You can get a fake drivers license by making a fake using tools such as Photoshop. Or, you can hire an expert to make one for you online.


Having seen how to make a fake drivers license for any occasion, do not hesitate to prank loved ones with it.

It is not recommended to use a fake drivers license for formal purposes. Make fake drivers license an option only when the need is domestic and urgent. Use it to prank friends, officers of the law, and your family. Meanwhile, you can also learn to create a fake insurance card that amazes the police and loved ones.

If you need a drivers license for a formal occasion, apply, and you will be issued a copy within 24 hours in your country. Moreover, it comes at quite a low cost.

It seems you may be interested in how make a fake title, license plates, and a bill of sale.

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